Hello cyberman! This article subject CTF (Capture To Flag). This vulnerability machine is name “Monitoring 1”. And this ctf is level 1. This machine has ubuntu. And it is a OS.This CTF is like game. They have vulnerability machine and you are crack it.For this first you need it below list: First install “monitoring 1” […]
Hello Cyberman!How are u? I hope you fine.This article subject ssrf another back-end system attack method.What is SSRF if you don’t know, read this post. For click read article. Now, We are this attack method maintain with different example. This method name: Another back-end system. If you say how does this work, I telling. Above […]
Hello Cyberman! This article subject SSRF attacks. This series of articles will be with Portswigger solutions. Firstly What Is SSRF? The SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) is every time could be seen. SSRF allows an attacker to modify a parameter in the web application so that it can generate requests from or control requests from […]